Food forest sheet mulching

1 month ago

In this short video we go over some basic info about sheet mulching. Its imperative to sheet mulch young fruit trees in a food forest or anywhere. This mimics the environment young trees usually come up in. In permaculture we want to mimic the systems of forests. No need to support companies like Syngenta or Monstanto and spray toxic chemicals to kill surrounding vegetation. Non-glossy cardboard strips with stickers and plastics removed will do just fine. Cover with free wood chips from an arborist to about 3 inches. Reppin the Medical Medium hat in this video. If you or someone you know is struggling with chronic illness, check out the Medical Medium. Permaculture teaches powerful ingeniousness in regards to growing food, and the Medical Medium teaches profound information regarding how to apply food as medicine correctly. KEEP GROWING THAT SOUL!


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