Tyrants Realm | PS1 Inspired Fantasy Soulslike

1 month ago

Hello Im Skill Incarnate and Welcome to My Games Review Series.
My reviews cover indie games that i have bought, had gifted to me and have been provided by developers for review. In this episode I check out a brand new minimalist Soulslike called Tyrants Realm. This game is the breakout title from Team Tyrant, and is published by Skystone Games, who also released the masterful zombie survival game Undying. The game takes inspiration from Classic PS1 Era Games creating a soulslike, with a minimalist look and feel.

Tyrants Realm follows an unknown prisoner who has broken free in order to hunt down the Tyrant, a evil wizard with the ability to manipulate reality. With nothing but a few simple weapons and your determination to succeed, youll battle your way through six unique zones, including an egyptian tomb, a snow covered fortress, a mine overrun with the undead and finally the Tyrants Realm, a gigantic castle where youll face off against the Tyrant in a final duel. With each failure youll get one step closer to freedom, unlocking powerful new weapons, armour and perks to aid in your next attempt.

While the game is a little on the short side, the game features a roguelike progression system boasting over a hundred weapons and items to unlock as well as three separate difficulty levels to conquer. If your a soulslike enthusiast like myself, or your looking for games from the PlayStation 1 Era, then you should absolutely check out Tyrant Realm. Best of all, the game is a bargain at only $12

Please note: All opinions in this video are my own. Game was provided by the developer for review purposes


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Tyrants Realm on Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2259260/Tyrants_Realm/


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