God is unchanging.

1 month ago

“There are a lot of things in this Bible I don’t understand.
There are questions you can ask me that I cannot answer.
I don’t know all the answers in this book.
How can a finite mind like mine comprehend the infinite? I cannot.
So one day I opened this Bible and said ‘Oh Lord I accept this as your word by faith. And that settled it from that moment on.”
- Billy Graham
Note: I am producing lot's of videos of my own. I will try to upload this content as much as I can. I am the producer of some of this content and I provide it for your entertainment only.
Thank you all for following me. I would have never thought I would touch so many Anon's, Patriots and other's lives....
Thanks, Old Rocker 👍🏻👊 ✅️
Let's make this go viral!!!
"J6 Pipe Bomber Investigation Deep Dive with Armitas''

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