Maat vs. Isfet | Presentation by Brandon Spencer + Live Re-cap with Him & Derek Bartolacelli

1 month ago

As I've eluded to for over a week now, I'll be showing Brandon's great Natty Law Presentation regarding the characteristics, dynamics & differences between Maat & Isfet. Also as a bonus, I'm very pleased to announce he'll be coming on the livestream to answer questions and chat with me for a few about this vast important subject as well as his methods of putting together a proper presentation.

I planned this out accordingly, as I want to get a better idea of building a presentation style video since we're both involved in the next Freedom Under Natural Law Conference- just like last time except I'll be putting in an effort on the presentational side of things- not the music mixing, although I'll slip some melodic elements in there somewhere..

Feb 22 & 23rd is coming up soon, so keep in marked on your calendar cuz this is gonna be a great weekend full of great speakers & presentations..

I've collaborated with him on over 30 videos at this point!? haha, interesting that just hit me while writing this.. He may very well be the man who I've worked with the most actually- possibly Chris Jantzen, not like it's a competition, but I've met both these brothers in real life & we're all a part of The One Great Work Warriors, so it's been great company all around.

Brandon's works can be found on
and our OGWW taplink

He's got his nonstop 24/7 truth livestream on rumble, twitch and odysee!
Check out my past livestreams if you missed my other videos & Music mix about Maat


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