Scott Jennings: People Screaming At Trump About Egg Prices After 5 Days In Office Are Not Credible

1 month ago

Posted • January 28, 2025: Democrats who’ve been telling us the Biden economy was awesome, super-duper, amazing, best thing ever for four years are now mad President Donald Trump didn’t wave a magical wand and lower food prices his first few days in office. If only it was that easy. Leave it to Scott Jennings to hop on CNN and verbally slap some sense into those pushing this sad, ridiculous narrative. -- CNN’s Scott Jennings on those making proclamations about the Trump economy only a week in: “I think anybody that's out making criticism about prices of anything after five days of a presidency is not someone you should listen to. If — if that is your political argument today, you're showing just how empty you are and exactly why Democrats lost the last election. They obviously understand nothing about how the American people are processing this. Number two, you get your next report card at the midterm.”

“I mean, November 2026, voters will go back to the polls, and they're going to register a verdict on how the party in power is doing. The party in power is a Republican Party. We control everything — small margins, but we control everything. And they're going to expect some progress on issues — immigration, economy, energy prices. I mean, those are the big ticket issues and they're also going to assess how they feel about their own lives. Do you — do they still feel the same economic anxiety that they were feeling under the last administration? And do they feel that the policies that have been put in place are working or are moving towards working? So, you get your next report card at the midterm? And I think — I think he's got that kind of leash to enact an agenda. I mean, Joe Biden was in office for four years. It got pretty bad and that's why Donald Trump won the election, so I don't think people are out screaming about egg prices after five days are very credible at the moment.”

Yes, it’s a childish expectation that Trump (or any President) could just proclaim, or will into existence, lower prices. That’s not how reality or economics works. Isn't 5 days enough to condemn this Trump economy? 🤣 I don't remember any "reporters" on CNN asking Biden why prices didn't come down five days (or ever) after the inflation reduction act was passed. No matter what happens we already know how ‘journalists’ and Democrats are going to react. If it’s good, it’s because Biden’s policies are finally having an effect. If it’s bad, it’s because Trump reversed or wrecked Biden’s wonderful policies. 3.99 years into Biden's presidency andall high prices were still being blamed on Trump. Five days into Trump's presidency and it's still about Trump. Is this their admission that Biden was awol? lol. Meanwhile during the Biden term, the continued to tell us all HOW GREAT the economy was, and that pricing wasn't that bad. Now 5 days in, the ECONOMY is terrible, and its Trump's fault.

ALTHOUGH SOME IF THEY ADMITTED THE ECONOMY SUCKED BLAMED TRUMP ANYWAY. We should all remember this when they say in 6 months from now Trumps good economy was inherited from Biden- can’t have it both ways. The Democrats complaining about prices are just trying to score political points. They didn't care about prices when Biden was in office, so why they care now? They're just trying to get us angry. They think we're stupid. Of course, Democrats didn’t care about high prices when they were in power. In fact, they chided voters, telling us we were stupid for not knowing how great we had it. We saw how that turned out for them! Now, they’ve been reduced to screaming about the price of eggs with every Trump proposal and victory. Thankfully, Trump will keep moving forward working on ways to lower energy prices, slash taxes, abolish bureaucracy and all the other factors that make things expensive. Unfortunately, there’s no magic wand for that.

Twitchy: Scott Jennings: People Screaming at Trump about Egg Prices After Five Days in Office Are not Credible

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