R$E: Sanhedrin! Prepare for Third Temple & Pedophile Psyop Trumps Golden Age!

30 days ago

In this video I show you my interview with the fringe Sanhedrin spokesman in Jerusalem.


In the video we discuss their hopes of a coming “Third Temple” and how they think that might happen. He also shows me one of the coins they made that features Pedophile Psyop President Donald Trump superimposed on the Biblical figure Cyrus.

Some points of note, the Sanhedrin are a fringe group in Jerusalem and one of several movements pushing for the rebuilding of the temple.

The most notable of which is 'The Temple Institute', which is the largest of them all and has the involvement of at least one Knesset member.

My goal in bringing this to your attention and reminding of the discussion I had in this interview a few years ago, is that it appears it could be relevant as deception increases in the world.

Now, more than ever, we need to reach the lost with the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Whether this popular interpretation of eschatology is correct or not, clearly there are many who have rejected Jesus and are putting their hopes in a Temple and a false Messiah.

My concern is that many will be deceived as these days unfold.

Forgive them, for they know not what they do.

336K subscribers
Jan 27, 2025

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