"Messiah" Ascends - Announces $500B AI MRNA Vaccines & Surveillance State

1 month ago

Another Jeff Berwick (Dollar Vigilante) walk and talk. Enjoy listening to Jeff as he speaks truth to the controllers. Jeff sees Drumphf VaxDaddy for what he and his ilk are. A bunch of snake oil salesmen, literally!!
Jeff includes some great stuff from Greg Reese on the recent fires in California and Chile! Didn't know they roasted Chile as well.
#BurnBackBetter is trending!
Try to educate those still receiving information from the teLIEvision that they
are being led to their demise. Be careful, they may "un alive" you! lol
Knowledge IS power friends.
Remember anarchapulco.com is in February 2025!

Source - https://dollarvigilante.com/rumble

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