What Happened to Amazon?

1 month ago

Amazon Now Shows You MacBooks' price per kilo to help you decide whether it is worth it... Do you know the reason why does the world's biggest retailer constantly has the "worst" design?

It's genius.

So even professionals thinks the design sucks. They say the UI looks old, clunky, and outdated. And side by side with modern websites I'd agree. But this ugly and confusing design is no accident.

It is the result of billions of dollars of top secret research.

You see at Amazon they run social experiments on their 200 million monthly visitors. Cuz sometimes a crazy idea like this, can increase sales by a tiny percent. Sometimes it will decrease sales and create a loss of a few million dollars.But the only way to find out is to split some of those visitors into a 50/50 AB test. That's why some users saw that...

Sources: https://www.quora.com/Why-is-the-Amazon-web-interface-so-poorly-designed https://www.reddit.com/r/userexperience/comments/jbfr25/why_is_amazons_uiux_bad/ https://www.threads.net/@gcampos1712/post/DCZs3TlSs3Z?xmt=AQGzZzKrt-qJfIv4YbqwcJh2YsRyRkkdldiPz9KZLZna3A

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