"I know the pigeons weeping have bigger loves than many people I know."

6 years ago

"I know the pigeons weeping have bigger loves than many people I know."

It is an infrequent word associated with pigeons, or even other animals. Jeffrey Moussaief Masson writes in When Elephants Weep: The Emotional Lives of Animals: "Our highest honor is for romantic love, One of the most skeptical traits of animals. "Indeed, science for most centuries will see these ideas as ridiculous, suggesting that Harold's feelings - if pigeons can emotionally - is a sense of urgency instinctively to stay with his partner, an impulse that is less emotional than itch.

After all, love is an important part of humanity. How can a creature with a pea brain feel so big? What inspired the play Romeo and Juliet or the song "Unchained Melody" or the Taj Mahal?

I suspect that part of the indecision about the love of birds comes from our doubts about the biological basis of love: Is love just "chemical interaction"? A set of hormone and cognitive features shaped by evolution to prioritize behaviors that deliver optimal mating strategies. Maybe love is not a human thing, but a common feature that we share with other species, including the small pigeon.

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