Leviticus 01:01 Bible Study - Introduction and Overview

1 month ago

In this first in our series going verse by verse through the book of Leviticus, we look at the historical and cultural context of the book of Leviticus. We ask, who was the author, who was the original intended audience and what was the significance of the text to them? Then we ask how this text applies to us today. Ultimately, we ask why should we even study such a strange text that seems so irrelevant for us today. We dig into all this and more in this introduction to the book of Leviticus.

02:12 - Introduction - The Book of Leviticus is about holiness - being set apart
Be Holy for I am holy” - Lev 11.44; 11.45; 19.2; 20.7; 20.26; 21.8.

04:16 - Background of Leviticus
Author: The Holy Spirit - Leviticus contains more direct speech by God than any other book of the Bible.
Human author: Moses (3rd of his 5 books - Torah, the Law - the Pentateuch).
When written: During the dessert wanderings (1,400 - 1,500 BC)
Original Intended Audience: Israel, specifically the Levitical priesthood. Leviticus = Latin “Pertaining to the Levites”

06:34 - Why should we study Leviticus?
1. The Bible is God’s word to us and should be studied. All of it. 2 Tim 3.16-17
2. Leviticus sets up the system upon which Jesus made His sacrifice for our salvation. Heb 9.1-15; 10.1
3. Leviticus is a call for us to be holy and set apart.
4. There are over 100 references to Leviticus in the New Testament

14:30 - Context of the Book of Leviticus
14:53 - what is the Abrahamic Covenant?
Gen 12:1-3 - The establishment of the Abrahamic Covenant.
Gen 12.7; 15.18 - the promised land
Gen 15 - cutting of covenant ceremony between Abraham & God
Gen 26.3-4 - Abrahamic Covenant passed to Isaac
Gen 28.13 - passed to Jacob.
Exo 2.24 - God heard their groaning and he remembered his covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
Exo 3 - God tells Moses he has heard the cry from the Israelites and that he has not forgotten his promise.
Exo 7-11 - plagues on Egypt.
Exo 14 - The Parting of the Red Sea
Exo 19 - they reach Mount Sinai. (roughly 10 weeks after leaving Egypt)
Exo 19.5-6 - God claims Israel as his own, challenging them to become a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.
Exo 20 - 10 commandments
Exo 20-23 - The Book of the Covenant, - how a holy nation is supposed to act.
Exo 25-31, 35-40 - The Tabernacle and all its elements are built.
Leviticus takes place RIGHT after Exodus ends, it is a continuation.

24:45 - Outline of Leviticus
1-7 - The offerings for the Great Bronze Altar
8-10 - The consecration of the priesthood.
11-16 - Uncleanness
17-27 - God’s moral standard for his people.
An even simpler outline of Leviticus:
1-17 - The Israelite's foundation of fellowship w/ God - Sacrifice.
18-27 - The Israelite’s walk of fellowship w/ God - Being holy, being separated

27:32 - The Theme of Leviticus is Holiness - “to be set apart.”
WORD STUDY - Holy - קֹדֶשׁ - qōḏeš. Used 611x in KJV - 94x in Lev, 56x in Isa, 55x Gen, 52x acts, 39x in Psa.
Gen 2.3 - First use of the word in NIV, the 7th day
Exo 3.5 - 2nd use: Moses at the Burning Bush
Exo 19.5-6 - God choose Israel as his treasured possession.
Exo 20.8 - The 4th commandments
29:24 - WORD STUDY - Sin - חַטָּאָת ḥaṭṭā'āṯ. Used 448x in KJV (89x in Lev, 49x in Num, 45x in Rom (112 in all NT). Rom 3.23; 5.8; 6.23
30:40 - WORD STUDY - Blood - דָּם - dām. Used 447x in KJV (88x in Levetucis, 52x in Ezekiel, 27x Exo, 22x Heb).
31:10 - WORD STUDY - Sacrifice - זֶבַח zeḇaḥ. Used 218x in KJV 40 in Levetucis, 28 in Num. Heb 9.22
32:13 - what is the difference between Grace and Mercy?
33:11 - Two key verses: Lev 17.11 & 19.18


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Graphics of the tabernacle and the bronze altar, used in this video, were created by Jeremy Park, Bible-Scenes.com, and found on FreeBibleimages.org.

Dave reads from an NIV (New International Version) of the Bible.

Texted referenced for the creation of this study:
Barker, L. Kenneth. The Expositor’s Bible Commentary, Abridged Edition, Old Testament. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1994. https://www.christianbook.com/expositors-commentary-abridged-volume-1-testament/kenneth-barker/9780310254966/pd/54963?event=BRSRCG|PSEN

Gane, Roy. The NIV Application Commentary, Leviticus, Numbers. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2004.

Wiersbe, Warren W.. The Bible Exposition Commentary, Old Testament, The Pentateuch. Colorado Springs, CO: David C. Cook, 2001. https://www.christianbook.com/the-bible-exposition-commentary-6-volumes/warren-wiersbe/9786125030474/pd/030474?event=ESRCG

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