Achieving 1st Place Rank in Squad Arena! | Finally Happened After 9 Years, But with a Catch

1 day ago

9 years 1 month and 3 days, that's how long I've been playing this stupid game for, and in all that time, my best-average ranking in squad arena was around 50. Breaking top 20 always seemed like it would just be a dream and top 10 seemed like it would never happen.

Well, after 9 years, I have FINALLY made it to rank 1! It is quite an awesome feeling to be the "top dog", to see my name at the top of the ranks and everyone else below me.

As the title suggests, there is a catch: 1, I'm only there due to a datacron, so in a couple of months when it expires, I will QUICKLY lose that rank (unless I get another good datacron). Second, I'm number 1 in my server, sooo I'm sure that leaves TONS of other players that would always rank above me (meaning I get that this doesn't mean I am the best in the world).

Regardless, for what it is, it's still pretty cool to finally be number 1. And I get that a lot of you probably have done this several times before and this is nothing special, hence making this video kind of silly/pointless, but for me, this is big.

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