💥 👽 💥 Tall White Starship Caught on Camera by International Space Station! Best UFO Sighting EVER

18 days ago

The Tall Whites, which evidence suggests are the Elohim, have been meddling in Earth affairs for hundreds of thousands of years... at least. The Algonquins called them the moon people. The pre-flood civilization called them the Watchers. We share their DNA and are genetically compatible. Their spiritual alignment is neutral/chaotic. They are unbelievably pompous and arrogant yet cowardly at the same time. Stay away from their rugrats or they will fry your ass with their Frequency pen-guns... which they always carry and use quite frequently. They also have very frail bones, so don't think you're ever going to get-it-on with a tall white woman. They can't handle the ride. You'll end up breaking their hip in three places...

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