Ending The Blob. Is TRUMP The END Of US WARMONGERING? | Lt. Col. Karen Kwiatkoswki

1 month ago

Originally published on Nov 24, 2024.
[Part 2 of 2] Trump ran on a peace-ticket because normal Americans are sick and tired of the warmongering all around the globe. The establishment calls this "isolationism", normal people call it peaceful coexistence. What ever it is, the end of US power will also put an end to its global bombings and foreign interventionism.

This is the second part of an interview with Dr. Karen Katauski, a fierce US critic of her countries military overreach. Her strong opposition to foreign wars is particularly stinging to the Military Industrial Complex as she was for 20 years a member of the US armed forces. She became a popular figure when she first spoke out on the lies the Pentagon told regarding the second invasion of Iraq.

Dr. Katauski is a retired Lt Col with a PhD in World Politics from the Catholic University of America and a masters degree in Government from Harvard.

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