Dr 'Mark Bailey' ft 'Daniel Roytas Humanley': Dismantling 'Germ' and 'Virus' Theory!

1 month ago

Dr Mark Bailey is a trained medical doctor and the husband of Dr Sam Bailey.

Mark won an undergraduate scholarship to the University of Canterbury in 1994 and then completed his medical training at the University of Otago in 1999.

He worked in many specialties as a resident doctor and was also a clinical trials research physician for several years. In 2016 he left clinical practice due to dissatisfaction with the allopathic medical system.

Mark is the author of “A Farewell To Virology (Expert Edition)” and co-author of “The COVID-19 Fraud & War on Humanity”.


He worked in clinical practice for 2 decades before leaving medicine in 2016 due to dissatisfaction with allopathic medico-pharmaceutical models.

In late 2019 he commenced research with Sam to uncover the fraud of COVID-19 and the wider fallacies of virus existence and germ theory.

In his younger days he was 7 times New Zealand duathlon champion and one of the top 10 duathletes in the world.

In this podcast, Dr. Mark Bailey joins me to discuss his journey from being a young, inspired and motivated medical doctor, right through to why he became so dissatisfied with the medical system that he quit practice in 2016.

We also discuss how Mark came to discover Terrain Theory and question the validity of Germ Theory, the issues surrounding virus isolation and virology in general, the lack of scientific evidence proving viruses cause disease, what really might be making us sick, and his concerns with the Covid-19 gene therapy rollout.

Sam Bailey, March 15, 2022

Watch my husband Mark's interview with Daniel Roytas on The Humanley Podcast as he dismantles Germ Theory.

They discuss:
- Terrain Theory and the fatal flaws of Germ Theory
- the issues surrounding virus isolation and virology in general
- the lack of scientific evidence proving viruses cause disease
- what really might be making us sick
- concerns with the Covid-19 gene therapy rollout

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