Let's Play WoW: The War Within - Frost Mage Gameplay - Episode 1

1 month ago

#wow #worldofwarcraft #warwithin #letsplay

Get ready for some insane Frost Mage action in World of Warcraft: The War Within! ❄️ In this first episode of our Let's Play series, we're diving headfirst into the new expansion.

We're experiencing the thrilling story of The War Within and working towards completing the campaign before Season 2 kicks off. Expect to see epic Frost Mage gameplay, including:

Powerful AoE spells like Blizzard and Cone of Cold
Devastating single-target combos
Icy Veins burst
And much more!
Join us as we explore the new zones and uncover the mysteries of The War Within.

Don't forget to like, subscribe, and hit that notification bell for more WoW: The War Within content!

0:00 - Intro
0:40 - The Truth in Chalk
2:00 - Controlled Demolition
9:00 - Buried in Stone
10:16 - Everyday I'm Snufflin'
11:00 - Find The Foreman
13:00 - What She Saw
15:00 - The High Speaker's Secret
16:26 - Absent Speaker
17:07 - Sympathetic Speaker
17:50 - Battle of the Earthenworks
23:16 - Dark Iron From Above
28:45 - Pitt Bull Puppy Time
30:10 - Into The Machine
30:50 - Hall of Awakening
43:00 - Orientation Gundargaz
43:50 - Home is Where the Candle Is
44:30 - The Hallowed Path
46:30 - Where The Light Touches
47:50 - Igniting Hope and Tunnel Troubles
52:00 - Rekindled Memories
54:05 - The Only Good Spider
55:30 - Rally on the Dawnbreaker
56:10 - Siege Weapon Sabotage
57:00 - For Their Eyes
1:00:56 - Zero Out Xerosh
1:02:18 - The Light of the Dawntower
1:07:00 - A Lamplighter's Duty

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