30 days ago


- When God SAID Let there be light - it wasn’t an old white dude in the sky - it was an expression of Source’s desire to experience Itself in many different forms and the Universe is mathematical and musical.

-THE Word Christ comes from the word KRYST which comes from the first audible sound tones/words spoken in this 15Dimensional Universe-Ka Ra Ya Sa Ta/Kryst

-The Ka-Ra-Ya-Sa-Ta-Ha-La is the First set of 7 Vibrational “Encryptions” to emerge into audible outer expression as Conscious Sound Cells. The Base-12 “Eternal” Encryption is original eternal encryption of Source Consciousness Field.

- It is a Unity consciousness where One has powerfully embodied Jesus’ words, “Father I pray that they might be One as We are One” and that prayer is now being answered.

- Christ consciousness is not some love light and clueless hippie new age movement but it is a powerful aware, awake, and able grounded, integrated non dual consciousness which is available to everyone

- So if your waiting for Jesus to come back in the sky-stop, nobody’s coming to save you. In fact if you see jesus coming in the sky its a holographic insert/false white light inserted by false alien gods to try to control you and siphon your worship/energy/attention by giving your power away to an external force outside of you

- The Christ consciousness is within you. Look within: but look within where? Into the intron/potential dna scientists used to call junk. its not junk its potential and the language to activate it is frequency-sound, light and symbols, and the first sound tones spoken in this Universe are Ka-Ra-Ya-Sa-Ta/The inner KRYST is withIN. Activate/Galactivate for the glory of Source’s name.

- For those who resonate, you can listen to and encrypt the original eternal encryption of Source Consciousness field by listening to and singing along with the track Creation - by the Spiritual Psychiatrist streaming on Spotify.

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