'Barbara O'Neill': Living Springs Retreat - Water & Salt!

1 day ago

Barbara O'Neill: Living Springs Retreat - Water & Salt! [19.07.2022]

How much water do you drink?
Water is the 2nd most vital element needed for life, which is why you can only survive a couple of weeks without water.

Hope Resnick - 2 years ago
I am outraged but not at all surprised Barbara O'Neill is an extremely knowledgeable and caring person and I trust her more than any so- called "health professional" I've ever consulted. This is our loss. Apparently, Australia is not very different than the U S. I'm also 66 years old and look forward to seeing a health care revolution in my lifetime.
Read how a 66-year-old grandmother, who gave her life to helping people with their health, became the subject of a malicious smear campaign which resulted in her being classified as a serious threat to public health in Australia.

In the absence of a single case of actual harm, the Health Care Complaints Commission of NSW theorized of potential harm that may arise if people followed Barbara's health advice.

This book exposes the hypocrisy of the organisation Friends of Science in Medicine who act as friends of science but are in reality pharmaceutical apologists and the Enemies of Truth in Medical Science.

Barbara became collateral damage in the war on any dissent from mainstream medical Dogma.

Fantastic health information showing the importance of the second, third and fourth most essential elements for life and our health.

The Australian HCCC ruled in 2019 that Barbara was prohibited to offering any health advice in Australia.

It seems that this information is a threat to the pharmaceutical companies that run the health services as they can’t make money from healthy people.
Original video: (48:03 min) Salt & Water - Barbara O'Neill
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Water & Salt. Barbara O’Neill - Living Springs Retreat

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The Assassination of Barbara O'Neill
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https://www.bitchute.com/video/VnZU6T3w2jEo/ 44:30 min

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