Canada United Globally Uncensored Moderators Wanted

17 days ago

This group is to discuss things that matter most to Canadians without the unnecessary censoring of important topics & information. We are not children & don’t need to be put in the naughtily corner every time we say something that others don’t like. They call it block for a reason. You don’t agree with someone then use your finger & click block. Alternative media & sharing podcast is encouraged because we all know the mainstream media doesn’t talk about all the things that matter to Canadians like our health, our bodies & what goes in them. Trolls will be terminated immediately because they are neither helpful or useful & use up valuable time that could be spent helping other instead of just being a nuisance & I’m simply too old & cranky to deal with that shit! No harassing & bullying just throw them in the iggy bin. If they are just here to bully & not adding value to the group then yes they will be blocked from the group. We all want to be informed of important issues & learn from each other. People matter! Sharing is caring! God Bless! Oh ya religion is welcome but not mandatory! I believe in the afterlife! I have seen things.

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