1775 - 2031. It's all coming to its stunning conclusions.

15 days ago

Not to forget to mention. As previously stated since 2012. U tube.

October 13th 1792. Whitehouse cornerstone laying ceremony.

+ 216 Years

= 2009. Obama's first term moves into the Whitehouse in his 48th Year of Life. 4th August 2009.

Born: 4th August 1961. The 216th Day of the Year. 6x6x6 = 216.
= Revelation 13:18. = Movie Pi Faith in Chaos. 1998.

1775. America begins in earnest. Breaks away from British rule.

+ 216 Years

September 11th 1990/ 29th January 1991.

George Bush Senior (Deceased) invokes a "New World Order" Twice in two separate speeches.

In and by Americas 216th Year. = 1991.

+ 38 Years = 2029 = Revelation chapter 20. 254th chapter.
The Devil Satan. Last mentioned.
+ 39 Years = 2030 = Revelation chapter 21. 255th chapter.
+ 40 Years = 2031 = Revelation chapter 22. 256th chapter.

2029 = 254th Year since 1775
2030 = 255th Year since 1775
2031 = 256th Year since 1775

The End of Great Tribulation = 42 Months is over. End of Revelation.

Obama and Pope Francis time is up to deceive the nations.

Armageddon, lots more to follow. Jesus finally appears and lands on the Mount of Olives splitting it in two. Millennial Kingdom follows. Amen.

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