#378 | Indiana General Assembly vs Indiana Law Enforcement! | The Political Spotlight

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Host Kristopher H. Bilbrey examines the disastrous Indiana House Bill 1186, authored by State Representative Steve Bartels (R — District 74). HB 1186 is designed to completely change law enforcement throughout Indiana.

Bilbrey highlights the issues with the bill, and he issues a "call to action," asking Hoosiers to reach out to their State Representatives and State Senators to demand they VOTE THIS BILL DOWN!

HB 1186 touches on three different areas.

It redefines Indiana correctional officers as "public safety officers" to determine eligibility for line-of-duty death benefits. - WHICH IS GREAT!

It changes penalties for highway worksite violations. - WHICH IS GREAT!

However, the most significant portion of the bill is where the issue lies. The bill is designed to restrict law enforcement officers' powers and authority outside of the specific city, town, or county they work for.

The bill reads as follows: "HB 1186 provides that a correctional professional is considered a public safety officer for purposes of determining eligibility for line of duty death benefits. (Current law provides that a correctional officer is considered a public safety officer for determining eligibility line of death benefits.) Provides that a law enforcement officer who: (1) has successfully completed Tier II or Tier III basic requirements; or (2) has completed a pre-basic program and will timely complete Tier II or Tier III basic training requirements; may only exercise police powers when the law enforcement officer is carrying out the duties of the law enforcement agency that appointed the law enforcement officer within the geographic jurisdiction of the appointing law enforcement agency. Provides that a Tier II or Tier III program graduate may exercise certain police powers outside the jurisdiction of the appointing law enforcement agency if the appointing law enforcement agency enters into an agreement with another law enforcement agency that is authorized to employ a Tier II or Tier III program graduate, or an entity that sets forth the extent of police powers the law enforcement officer may exercise. Makes changes to penalties for highway worksite violations. Increases the penalty for criminal recklessness from a Class B to a Class A misdemeanor. Provides that criminal recklessness is a: (1) Level 6 felony if the crime is committed while armed with a deadly weapon or is committed while operating a vehicle; (2) Level 5 felony if the person committed pointing a firearm while committing aggressive driving; (3) Level 4 felony if the crime is committed by shooting a firearm into a dwelling or other building or place where people are likely to gather or the person commits aggressive driving that results in serious bodily injury to another person; or (4) Level 3 felony if the crime is committed by shooting a firearm into an occupied motor vehicle or the person committed aggressive driving that results in the death or catastrophic injury of another person. Provides that a Level 3, Level 4, or Level 5 felony of criminal recklessness is considered a serious violent felony for purposes of unlawful possession of a firearm by a serious violent felon. Adds a hospital police department to the definition of police departments required to provide police officers with certain rights."

Link to the "Veterans Affairs and Public Safety" Committee meeting from Thursday, January 23, 2025: https://iga.in.gov/session/2025/video/committee_veterans_affairs_and_public_safety_2100 . . .

AUDIO-ONLY version of Ep 378: https://thepoliticalspotlight.fireside.fm/378 . . .


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