Selena Gomez's Cringe-Fest … Defends 'Deported Illegals' With Clearly Fake Tears

2 days ago

Posted • January 27, 2025: Selena Gomez is doing her big one on the internet and it's pretty embarrassing. Get it together, girlie pop. Selena Gomez, crying: “I just want to say I am so sorry… all my people are getting attacked [by Trump's deportations]. The children. I'm so sorry, I wish I could do something, but I can't, I don't know what to do. I'll try everything, I promise.” -- What is she even talking about? The people who have been deported have been gang members and criminals or people living with criminals and gang members. Is she crying about that? As funny as this is, it's kind of disturbing how much pressure society has put on these celebrities to feel like they are responsible for politics. Like…none of this is her job and it's the fault of pushy libs that she feels like it is. She needs therapy from a competent person who isn't a raging lib and to get off the internet.

I’ll care about Selena Gomez’s tears when this lady gets her daughter back -- Why doesn't Selena cry over those lost souls? I recommend she boycott voting. She shouldn’t take part in the democratic process of an evil country like the USA. That’ll show ‘em. She could move out of the US if she finds it so despicable. -- I literally LOL’d at this. Liberal tears are the breakfast of champions. It's all so fake and performative. Three things to know about Selena Gómez's video: 1) Most illegal border crossings are NOT by Mexicans. 2) Where was her outrage during the Obama/Biden deportations? 3) This is performative nonsense to appeal to Mexican audiences criticizing her role in Emilia Pérez. -- Don't bring all those facts to the table. Libs can't stand that. Selena Gomez is a professional actor. She does not care about the impacts of illegal immigration and probably doesn't even care about people getting deported.

She has plenty of money to pay for security. Did Selena Gomez release a video of her sobbing about every American killed or raped by LATIN AMERICAN CARTEL MEMBERS and CRIMINALS? How about the tens of thousands of MISSING CHILDREN, who were kidnapped by LATIN AMERICAN CARTEL MEMBERS and CRIMINALS who are here illegally? Don't recall seeing one video like that. Nope, she did not. The Left is sheltered from those atrocities by their liberal media. If you watch MSNBC not only do you not know what’s going on in the world, you know the opposite of what’s going on. This is 1000% propaganda. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Selena Gomez's Cringe-Fest … Defends 'Deported Illegals' with Clearly Fake Tears

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