Adam Kinzinger Doubles And TRIPLES Down Trashing Military Biden Kicked Out For Refusing Covid Vax

1 month ago

Posted • January 27, 2025: It's been a while since we last wrote about Adam Kinzinger because we noticed many of our readers just didn't care about him which is not a good thing for someone like Kinzinger who is relying on his trolling and obnoxious behavior to remain relevant. That's probably why he decided to trash military personnel Biden kicked out for refusing to take the experimental COVID vaccine. Seems he thinks it's a 'handout' to make sure these people who did not actually leave but were forced out get paid for their service. Yeah, this got our attention and we honestly thought this was low enough for readers to take a look. He's really out-awful'd himself this time, take a look. —— Jennifer Griffin @JenGriffinFNC: “Fox Exclusive: Trump reinstates 8000 service members with back pay who were forced out of military for refusing COVID vaccine per Peter Doocy”

Adam Kinzinger (Slava Ukraini) 🇺🇸🇺🇦🇮🇱 @AdamKinzinger: “So, the “no govt handouts” party is going to give in some cases up to 300k in one big check to people who didn’t do anything? Cool” —— How is this a govt. handout, Kinzinger? Woof, he's just not very bright. He doubled down: —— Adam Kinzinger (Slava Ukraini) 🇺🇸🇺🇦🇮🇱 @AdamKinzinger: “I pissed off the vaccine conspiracy folks. Let me say this then: good, You may get back payed, but you don’t deserve it. The rest of the military who actually did work, does. Not you. You were kicked out.” —— They were kicked out by an authoritative government trying to force them to inject a vaccine … and this dingleberry thinks they're the bad guys. You all ever notice he's always ont he wrong side of everything. Then he TRIPLED DOWN: —— Adam Kinzinger (Slava Ukraini) 🇺🇸🇺🇦🇮🇱 @AdamKinzinger: “If you’re gonna complain about VA disability, and you think paying people for refusing the vaccine and leaving while other deployed, put their life on hold, and lives at risk overseas is popular in the military… It won’t be.”

This has not gone well for Kinzinger: Spitfire @DogRightGirl: “Imagine having Kinzinger on your team. He’d sh$$t you in the back if it meant he could save himself.” —— Remember when he fired a weapon at a piece of metal? Yeah, he's super smart and stuff. His acct is the literal definition of screaming into the void, he’ll never open comments. Just lil Adam screaming into his digital pillow. He's not bright enough to know that locking replies only. makes things worse. They absolutely deserve it. They stood up and disobeyed illegal orders in the grandest American military traditions. You “just followed orders” like a certain other group. I wonder what group we will praise in 5 years. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - HOOBOY! Adam Kinzinger Doubles and TRIPLES Down Trashing Military Biden Kicked Out for Refusing COVID Vax

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