PROVERBS a Wisdom for the Ages

16 days ago

Proverbs - the Original coaches manual for life

The history of proverbs
This seminal text was produced as the primary LIFE LIVING manual for newlyweds during the time of Christ. In the era a new couple went on - what we now call the HONEYMOON - but unlike current times this post wedding sojourn took a year.
The establishment of the NEW FAMILY UNIT was defined during this year. The young couple would be given less than a years worth of resources and ONE TEXT - Proverbs
This is LIFE LIVING guidance, thousands of years olde, available in digestable language.

PROVERBS text and narrative reference link - a Gandalph Playlist on RUMBLE

IF you follow the regimen of the new Husbands and prospective Fathers, as told by the Sage judiac wisdom, then the PROVERBS are to be consumed Daily.
There are THIRTY ONE Proverbs and THIRTY ONE days in each month. Take heed of this sage advice, on a daily basis and REFLECT upon its impact.
High morale character is often the result, or that is at least the INTENT of the document scribes, thousands of years ago.

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