Crafting a Hand Plane: Blending Traditional Woodwork with CNC Precision

9 days ago

Welcome back to Wind Ridge Wood Crafts. I'm Mike Schienle, and I'm transforming rough sawn cherry and walnut into a beautiful hand plane using a mix of traditional tools and CNC technology.
Video Highlights:
* Wood Selection and Prep: I picked up some cherry from my local Sawyer, along with some white oak and black ash (though those are for future projects).
* Cutting to Size: We start by cutting our 37" x 7" x 4" cherry block down to size. First, we lop off the rough sawn end with a bandsaw, then cut to 14" with a hand saw.
* Splitting the Wood: We then cut the block in half vertically for a bookmatch glue-up, enhancing the aesthetic appeal of the plane.
* Flattening with CNC: Using a web form I've developed, we flatten the boards to ensure perfect CNC depth cuts. This tool has generated over 2,800 programs so far!
* Sanding: I use a 3M Xtract Random Orbital Sander (6" Diameter, 3/16" Orbit) for smoother, less vibratory sanding compared to older models.
* CNC Work: With Vectric's VCarve Pro, we cut the interior and exterior of the plane. I discuss the importance of bit selection (upcut vs. downcut) for different parts of the plane to prevent tearout and ensure precision.
* Final Touches: After cutting, we remove tabs with a bandsaw and Triton Spindle and Belt Sander, then finish with sanding, gluing, and an oil finish.
* Wedge Creation: Lastly, we make the necessary wedges from walnut to secure the blade.
* Mallet Creation: mallets are created in small batches and not recorded
Tools and Materials:
* Bandsaw, Hand Saw, CNC (Onefinity Journeyman), Belt and Orbital Sanders
* Cherry, Walnut, Sandpaper, Wood Glue
Project Time: Approximately 4 hours, not including glue drying time.
* Check out the CNC Flattening Program -
* Purchase a Hand Plane or Digital Design -
Questions? Feel free to drop them in the comments below. If you're interested in owning one of these planes or just want to see how it's done, make sure to check out the links in the description!

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