Opening Credit Cards Under Other Peoples' Names (February 2024)

30 days ago

Andrew describes a time in 2018 when he opened up a number of credit cards under his and other peoples' names to make purchases from Amazon. Not something a person who "lacks capacity" should be able to do.

8:42 - “So everybody knows, in 2018, I bought a mattress from Amazon. Ok. And I had bought mattress protectors from a credit card that I just couldn't manage on my own. Ok, so I had credit cards that were fraudulently opened in my name and I also had credit card, two credit cards that I actually did open, both of the credit cards I opened were Capital One cards. There was other cards that were opened that were not mine but whatever they've already been taken care of and they've been found with fraud and they were removed from my credit thing."

Original title: way too much going on, this is unorganized be because of my dad was going after me [Sv3NpNN8nGo]
Uploaded by Andrew Ditch on: February 16, 2024

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