I6: The Call: The Casting Couch

5 days ago

Webb to Arlington: “Hear MI? Sine Me, and a Sine Qua Nun to You, Too, Chaplain!”

[Washington’s Headquarters, FOB Morristown, January 27, 2025] Any station? Any station? Do you read? Over.

Live from the world’s newest banana republic. . .

According to one maxim, many are called, and even at one HBCU seminary in Richmond, the first day of orientation doesn’t quite begin like one in Arlington’s Clarendon, with a meeting with the President and an inspiring pitch about being ready, but rather considering the topic of “Call Waiting”. Did you ever consider putting the Lord on hold? Eternity is a long time and you know, if it ain’t going nowhere, and you can always ask for forgiveness, a reasonable person, with places to go, people to see, and things to do, might consider the thought that Heaven and all of its splendorous glory and rewards can wait, and it’s even wholly plausible that hereafter is all just some fantasy. And, as even some members of a once collegial school board in the happiest place in America, doing the one thing they love most to do, have most recently, like one data-driven former teacher’s assistant in New York City and one executive in the vertical transportation industry, who had said he most enjoyed engaging in those difficult conversations has said, not just no, but o hell no, I can’t go on. And yet one veteran of special operations who had actually left a senior management track job in a bank to enlist in the infantry expressly to go to war and have the chance to be all he could be as a paratrooper, and then remained for a full career and retirement, is a not a serious option candidate to sign up for toxicity? At least that is the official report in the most educated municipality in Virginia, where Buchanan is pronounced “Buck Anna” and Amherst is pronounced “Am Mist”. Yes. That is exactly what damned Yankees so much love about The South.

Your elected representative is called your elected representative for a reason; and Martin Luther King and Jesus never got elected.

And let’s get ready to RUMBLE! https://rumble.com/vp2uk1-attorneys-need-not-apply-you-have-the-right-to-remain-silent.html.

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