Climate Has Put Us on the Same Side | An Appeal to Alexander Dvorkin | #5

1 month ago

I understand how unusual my appeal might seem, especially given everything that has happened. Yet, I am making this decision consciously.

Alexander Dvorkin, despite your efforts to intimidate and discredit ALLATRA, today we find ourselves forced to stand on the same side as you. Climate has placed us here. The climate crisis dictates its own rules, creating a new reality that even someone as intelligent as you cannot deny.

I appeal to your powers of observation and rationality. Surely you see how rapidly and abnormally the climate is changing, even in traditionally stable regions like your own country, Russia. You must also recognize that climate disasters do not discriminate—they pose the same dangers to all social classes and political factions.

Despite the tremendous efforts you and your network of agents have made to dehumanize, harass, and ban our activities, I am now appealing to you to put our differences and emotions aside. Let us, as reasonable people, objectively confront the common threat we face. That is why I am reaching out to you.

At the same time, I appeal to you, dear viewers: Please share my message. Forward it to Alexander Dvorkin or to those who can deliver it to him. If you understand the seriousness of the climate threat and the importance of my appeal, speak with him and explain why this is so critical.

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