Calls for Jon Burns’ Removal as Speaker and GOP Leadership Challenges

1 month ago

We must put our foot down and remove Jon Burns from Speaker of the House. Atlanta pastor leans on personal story to fight for LGBTQ equality, social justice. Trans pastor to Georgia Legislature: Love your neighbors as you love yourselves. Andi Woodworth the first transgender pastor to address the GA house during the morning devotional prayer as the pastor of the day invited by Speaker Jon Burns into the House chamber. The same chamber that Colton Moore was rejected from entering as an elected official.
Jon Burns will allow that man who thinks he is a woman into your child's classroom, in your child's counselors office. He will allow this man to address your children when they are confused. Jon Burns is an evil person. He is looking at mental health bills for your children.
Ask your state representatives to stand up and ask for the resignation of Jon Burns. The fear is from the LORD not from Jon Burns. Immediately there needs to be a new speaker of the House.
Key convention dates for the GA GOP. Josh McKoon does not have the management skills to turn the trend around. In 5 years republicans have lost 19 state house seats, 5 state senate seats, and 2 US senator seats. Photo ops will not get republicans elected. Remember Donald Trump won GA. In 2026 republicans risk losing constitutional offices and more members of state legislature and possibly a congressional office. Josh McKoon does not have the management skills to do so.

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