Examining the Panama Canal and Its Impact on U.S. Trade and National Security

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U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Chairman of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, will convene a full committee hearing titled “Fees and Foreign Influence: Examining the Panama Canal and Its Impact on U.S. Trade and National Security” on Tuesday, January 28, 2025, at 10:00 am EST. This hearing will examine the importance of the Panama Canal to the American economy and our national security, focusing on the canal’s role in U.S. trade, the challenges of capacity limitations and rising fees, and the potential dangers posed by the involvement of China and other foreign powers.

As Sen. Cruz said upon announcing this hearing:

“Serving forty percent of U.S. seaborne container trade, the Panama Canal is vital to American economic and national security interests. The United States paid for and built the Panama Canal, but Panama is treating America unfairly and ceding control of key infrastructure to China. I hope this hearing better informs members of the Commerce Committee about the challenges facing the maritime industry, the extent of foreign influence in Panama, and how the Panamanian government may be falling short of its obligations under the Neutrality Treaty.”


The Honorable Louis E. Sola, Chairman, Federal Maritime Commission (FMC)
The Honorable Daniel B. Maffei, Commissioner, FMC
Mr. Eugene Kontorovich, Professor, Scalia Law School, George Mason University
Mr. Joseph Kramek, President & CEO, World Shipping Council
Additional witness to be announced at a later date.


WHAT: Full Committee Hearing on Fees and Foreign Influence: Examining the Panama Canal and Its Impact on U.S. Trade and National Security

DATE: Tuesday, January 28, 2025
TIME: 10:00 AM EST
LOCATION: Committee Hearing Room, Russell 253

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