Venus meets Saturn in Aries 3 times - January to April 2025

5 days ago

00:00 First Conjunction of 19 January
18:35 Planetary pile up of 1 February
19:28 Conjunction of 7 April - Venus Rx
24:45 Big Conjunction of 25 April
32:11 Importance of Sun, Moon & Rising
34:42 ♈️ Aries
39:24 ♉️ Taurus
44:58 ♊️ Gemini
50:38 ♋️ Cancer
57:50 ♌️ Leo
1:02:36 ♍️ Virgo
1:08:30 ♎️ Libra
1:12:38 ♏️ Scorpio
1:18:58 ♐️ Sagittarius
1:23:37 ♑️ Capricorn
1:28:16 ♒️ Aquarius
1:33:10 ♓️ Pisces

These interpretations are for TROPICAL SUN, MOON & ASCENDANT SIGNS. If you have a stellium (3 or more personal planets in one sign, excluding outer planets) it’s also helpful to listen to that sign as well!

The Sun can be seen as your sense of purpose (including your main activity), the moon represents your mind and emotions, and the Ascendant (aka rising sign) reflects yourself and more clearly shows the area of life events are likely to happen.

✨For personal readings with Susan book here -

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