Mike Love on Why Free & Equal's United We Stand Tour Matters: Christina Tobin’s Powerful Vision

17 days ago

Mike Love believes in the power of unity and the fight for a freer, more equal world. That’s why he’s proud to support Free and Equal’s United We Stand Tour. Founder Christina Tobin is turning her vision into reality, and it’s truly inspiring to witness.

Don’t miss this year’s United We Stand tour: https://freeandequal.org/united-we-stand-onepage/

#FreeAndEqual #UnitedWeStand #MikeLove

A few words from Jon: "Aloha i’m the children’s ambassador diplomat of the Yamassee Nation. So what is Wopila ? Wopila is a Tribal Prayer that allows you to feel an abundance of gratitude most importantly. Secondly , Wopila is the utterance, no tribe owns or can declare it . Again , it represents gratitude beyond the universe. It’s the Total surrender to the soul , that resides inner child consciousness. Lastly it’s the essence that remind you of your eternal nature reflecting the twin flame higher self."

Watch Debate: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLCplaowzy8

#FreeAndEqual #JonNash

Watch Debate: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLCplaowzy8

#FreeAndEqual #Loomis

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