Aquarius New Moon Jan 29 ’25 Astrology and Frequencies #astrology #highvibe #frequencies

12 days ago
38 This Aquarius New Moon chart aptly depicts the “Water Bearer” with a 12th house Aquarius stellium and Aquarius Ascendant pouring the Piscean waters into the 1st house of “I AM”. Higher Christ-light Consciousness is available to those who are ready to receive. This Aquarius New Moon also activates the USA’s Aquarius South Node, and that, along with the 12th house placement in this new moon chart, signifies a reckoning with an ancient past when we forfeited our spiritual gifts for the sake of scientific advancement. This lunar cycle provides the opportunity for us to access AI without allowing it to become our master. Spirit and science are the yin and yang of an advanced society. AI must serve humanity - not the other way around.

New Service! I am now certified to offer eligible clients Anrita Melchizedek’s Galactic Activations to assist in the ascension process. Please visit for more information.

Galactic Activations Info: 13:04
Planetary Frequencies: 14:17

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Planetary Frequencies:
Sun/NewMoon/Saturn (ancient ruler)
Sun/NM/Uranus (modern ruler)
Sun/NM/Mercury conjunction
Sun/NM/Pluto conjunction
Sun/NM/Jupiter trine
Mercury/Pluto/Sedna conj./trine
Venus/Nep/NN(using ancient ruler Jupiter) conj.
Venus/Saturn/Neptune conj.
Venus/Mars/Uranus sextiles
Venus/Neptune/Uranus conj./sextile
Mars/Chiron square

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