Who Am I Tormenting?

2 months ago

It seems I've been labeled as a tormentor once again. This time, YouTube user Faceless Fanny has stepped into the ring with a comment suggesting that I’m wreaking havoc across the digital landscape. Their message reads:
“Seems the judge was right about you Matt, Narcissistic lying online bully and troll.
I’m not your only victim, The lifetime SPO and HPO could land you in jail for 5 years.
I think you need that time in jail to reflect on your vile abusive behaviour towards not just me, but others. YouTube would be a safe place without you tormenting everyone you feel like…”
Fascinating words, aren’t they? Let’s break this down and address it head-on.
Am I Tormenting You?
To Faceless Fanny and anyone else who feels tormented by me: my question is simple. Who, exactly, am I tormenting? I’m more than happy to discuss and resolve any genuine grievances. If you feel victimized by my actions, I encourage you to step forward, identify yourselves, and share your specific concerns. Let’s handle this like adults rather than faceless accusations thrown into the void.
The Allegations.
Fanny accuses me of being a "narcissistic lying online bully and troll" and claims I torment "everyone I feel like." Now, we live in an age where words carry weight, and accusations like these shouldn’t be made lightly. If such claims were true, surely more individuals would echo this sentiment with tangible evidence.
However, I thrive on engaging with my audience—having conversations, sharing stories, and even poking fun where appropriate. My content is meant to entertain, spark thought, and bring people together, not to torment.
The Lifetime Orders.
Faceless Fanny mentions SPOs and HPOs (Stalking Protection Orders and Harassment Protection Orders), which allegedly “could land me in jail for five years.” Here's the thing: the law is crystal clear about what constitutes stalking or harassment. If I’ve crossed any legal line, authorities are more than capable of addressing it.
But what we often see online are attempts to use these legal terms as tools for intimidation. Without evidence or context, these are just hollow threats aimed at silencing voices.
A Safe YouTube.
Faceless Fanny dreams of a “safe YouTube without me tormenting everyone.” Ironically, Fanny’s own comment could be interpreted as bullying. Publicly accusing someone without evidence or reasoned discourse is far from creating a "safe" environment.
My Stance.
To anyone who feels genuinely hurt or wronged by my actions: I am open to dialogue. Let’s discuss what’s happened, what can be done, and how I can make amends where needed. However, I won’t respond to faceless accusations without substance.
I believe in justice, accountability, and the rule of law. If there’s a legitimate case against me, I welcome it to be brought forward in a lawful and respectful manner.
Until then, I’ll continue to be myself—Matthew Taylor, creator of MattTaylorTV, where engagement is key, laughter is encouraged, and we navigate this crazy digital world together.
If I’m tormenting you, tell me. Who knows? Maybe we can turn this torment into something positive. Or, more likely, we’ll find there was never any torment to begin with.
You sway what I say!
Who Am I Tormenting?
(A song inspired by Faceless Fanny's claims)
[Verse 1]
They call me names in the dead of the night,
A narcissist, a bully, out for a fight.
But who are these shadows that point and accuse?
Faceless Fanny, tell me, what’s the truth you choose?
You say I torment, you say I troll,
But your story’s a sieve, it’s full of holes.
Step into the light, bring your evidence clear,
I’ll be the first to listen, the first to hear.
Who am I tormenting? Won’t you tell me now?
Point the finger, make it known somehow.
If I’ve caused you pain, let’s make it right,
But don’t throw stones while you hide out of sight.
[Verse 2]
A judge, a jail, five years to reflect,
Words you wield with intent to deflect.
Justice is a balance, it cuts both ways,
So let’s have a trial in the light of day.
They claim YouTube would be safe without me,
But isn’t this comment its own cruelty?
I’m here to create, not to destroy,
To share my stories, my truth, my joy.
Who am I tormenting? Won’t you tell me now?
Point the finger, make it known somehow.
If I’ve caused you pain, let’s make it right,
But don’t throw stones while you hide out of sight.
The law is clear, it doesn’t bend,
If I’ve crossed a line, let it come to an end.
But empty words and baseless claims,
Won’t build your case or fan your flames.
Who am I tormenting? Won’t you tell me now?
Point the finger, make it known somehow.
If I’ve caused you pain, let’s make it right,
But don’t throw stones while you hide out of sight.
I’ll keep asking, I’ll keep my door wide,
For truth to walk in and leave lies outside.
If you feel tormented, let’s find the proof,
Or maybe the torment is just your own truth.

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