Exercise Your 2A!

1 month ago

Exercising Your Second Amendment!
In the words of @Nike, "Just Do It"!

Who is the ATF to regulate YOU?
Who is the FBI to background check YOU?

Who can take away your 2nd Amendment right?

Your rights are INALIENABLE.
It's why we named our education Inalienable University.

You waive your rights of your own volition because you think you are under the rule of the government.

The role of the Republic is to protect the rights of the people.

What is the big shame, are the gun dealers who think they need and FFL to conduct private economic activity.

It's a shame the manufacturers ask the state for an LLC to be in business, which is the only reason they have to then be under the ATF.

You think any of founding fathers would have tolerated this?

So why do you?

The LLC is you waiving your right to private economic activity.

It's under the First Amendment of liberty.
You have unlimited ability to contract.

Who are you doing to become in the future to secure your freedom?

God gave you inherent rights >
God created man >
Man created the government to protect their rights.

That's it!
That's the basis for government.

It's so far from what it is supposed to be.
We The People have all the power and control.

When will the manufacturers grow a pair?
Anyone know any?

Follow me to freedom!

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