A New Spiritual Age | Spiritual Warfare

30 days ago

'The Externalization Of The Hierarchy' written by Alice Bailey [1880-1949] was an "Ascended Master" in the Occult. She communicated with a demonic being named Master Djwhal Khul, who instructed Bailey and her followers to “prepare men for the reappearance of the Christ." Of course this is referring to the father of lies, the Antichrist and is the same NWO plan we are witnessing unfold today. Beware of gatekeepers and false prophets who will only lead you astray.

"The coming struggle will emerge within the churches themselves; it will also be precipitated by the enlightened elements who exist in fair numbers already, and are rapidly growing in strength through the impact of human necessity. The fight will then spread to thinking men and women everywhere who in a protesting revolt have denied orthodox churchianity and theology." - Alice A. Bailey

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