Paul Hauser's SS Div. REICH (mot.) lead the attack towards Moscow in OPERATION TYPHOON, but why? E27

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OOB 1941
Army Group Center - General Oberst F. von Bock
Panzer Group 2 - General Oberst Heinz Guderian
XXXXVIth Corps (Motorized) - Gen d PzTr H. von Vietinghoff
SS Div. Reich (Motorized) - SS-Gruf Paul Hauser

This is part 27 in the series that covers this sensational war diary written by a platoon leader named Kurt from the motorized SS division Reich which in 1942 would become the 2. SS PzD Division Das Reich.

Gegen Abend werden wir in diesem Abschnitt…
In the evening we are relieved from duty in this sector and march off towards our vehicles which, in the meantime, have been brought up the the main road. We arrive completely exhausted and are greatly pleased to learn that we’re to be positioned in the area around Roslawl where we’ll set up a new area for unit reconstitution. During the recent combat our 2nd platoon had lost its platoon leader and all but one of the rest of its officers. I’m given the order to take command of the 2nd platoon and informed that it should be brought back to fighting condition for the upcoming combat. At 09:45 H we’re all loaded up and traveling in our vehicles in the direction of Gomel.

27. Sept.
At about 10h we arrive to the area around Tsernikow. With the complete annihilation of the entrapped Russian army the Battle of Encirclement around Kiev has come to an end. We quarter in a comfortable school building. For the next few days and are finally able to put ourselves back in order, and clean and service our weapons and munitions. In a few meetings we’re informed that the final push to victory is about to begin. In an area around Moscow about 300 km wide and 50 km deep the Russians have massed around 100 divisions as their last defensive bastion.

Before we move on to Das Reich’s expected final push for Moscow, I’d like to thank M45’s Patreon supporters. Without their support the production of this series wouldn’t have been possible.

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