German Newsreel MONATSSCHAU 12, 1943 Waffen SS

1 month ago

Episode 211

Nr. 12, 1943

1:32 Loading of a Honved formation for use on the Eastern Front; a chimney sweep is attacked as a good luck charm; Farewell at the train station, the train leaves.

2:13 Swearing-in of new Dutch volunteers to a Waffen-SS battalion in Amsterdam; March past SS Obergruppenführer Hanns Rauter.

2:49 Tunisian Front.
Panzer advance in central Germany; drive through a cactus field; Tank battle with American tanks, burning tanks; Medical tank drives up. The wounded are bandaged and brought back; shot up American tanks, captured English and Americans.

5:17 Counter attack of the LSAAH on the Eastern Front

8:40 Stukas Ju 86 take off for an enemy flight; Me 109 flying escort; Deep attacks by fighters on ground targets, air battles with Soviet fighters.

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