Prince Charles- Duke of Nukes.... Hail to the King ! ....King of all the sick people and pedophiles

1 month ago

let me introduce the Father of the Antichrist- prince (sorry King) Charles

''I would like to go to Russia very much'' said prince Phillip ......DANCING ON THE ASHES OF THE WORLD....... right? :)

This is nothing more than a spiritual introduction to the position of an Antichrist - let's congratulate Karl here, he will lead the world towards the world order as the Antichrist- he is not the final one - that is his son. Buckingham needs to get rid of Russia and China, otherwise Satan will not come to earth as a false god through the media-popular Saxons with crowns on their heads in Buckingham. He needs Armageddon and Russia and China to disappear, otherwise the kings in the Windsor will not rule the world or what will left of it and are not able to prepare the world for coming him to Earth . Russia and China - these are two imperial countries that in history had more power than some Buckingham chosen by Satan. The USA, which is like the British muscles - their powerful right hand is actually nothing big as far as the kingdom is concerned - it's a bit of a war between these two kingdoms that represent Buckingham vs former Chinnese/Russian kingdoms, and Satan just abuses the last ones and leads them into nice trap, similar what happened to Hussein or Qaddafi at the time - this is about royal blood, which is quite fundamental from a spiritual point of view - it is a power struggle between them of royal blood. And i normally dont care about it, but you know....... I don't like it when someone abuses anyone and takes advantage of someone, because I've experienced it myself, so if possible, I'll at least try to pull Satan's balls a little bit. Satan let the kings and czars of Russia and China ruled centuries ago and now is throwing them away and planning a conspiracy and liquidation against them? Well, not like this :)

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