Surah masad

1 month ago

Historical Context:
Surah Al-Masad was revealed as a response to the severe hostility of Abu Lahab and his wife, Umm Jamil, toward the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Abu Lahab is notorious for openly opposing the Prophet's message and mocking him. For example, when the Prophet gathered his family to invite them to Islam, Abu Lahab shouted, "May you perish!" (Tabban laka). This surah was revealed, condemning him and prophesying his eventual punishment in the Hereafter.

Key Lessons:
Opposing the truth has consequences: The surah serves as a warning to those who reject divine guidance and actively oppose it.
Worldly wealth and power cannot save a person from divine punishment.
Accountability in the Hereafter: Both Abu Lahab and his wife are mentioned to emphasize that individuals are judged by their actions, regardless of their worldly status.

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