Unveiling the Superpower of Real Estate Syndication with Bethany LaFlam

1 month ago

Discover how syndications can transform your wealth-building strategy in this episode of The REI Agent Podcast with Bethany LaFlam. Learn how to leverage strengths, vet operators, and build success with intentional partnerships.

(00:00) - Introduction to The REI Agent Podcast
(00:06) - Mattias and Erica Welcome Listeners
(00:24) - Reflection on Self-Awareness and CliftonStrengths Insights
(09:50) - Introduction to Bethany LaFlam: Syndication Attorney
(10:16) - Bethany Shares Her Journey into Syndications
(13:08) - High-Level Overview of Syndications
(16:52) - Importance of Vetting Syndication Operators
(18:40) - Fund-to-Fund Models: Legal Considerations and Challenges
(24:50) - Syndications in a Changing Market Environment
(28:56) - Syndication Deal Structures and Fees Explained
(33:03) - Capital Calls: What Investors Should Know
(38:34) - Passive Investing Benefits and Accelerated Depreciation
(41:28) - Capital Event Explored: Refinance and Sale Scenarios
(45:51) - Leveraging Other People’s Everything (OPE) for Growth
(50:23) - Expanding Through Joint Ventures and Avoiding SEC Issues
(56:33) - The Absof***lutely Analyzer: A Tool for Decision-Making
(56:58) - Closing Thoughts and Bethany’s Book Recommendation

Contact Bethany LaFlam

Go to https://reiagent.com for more awesome wealth-building tips!

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