1/26/25 Lord, the snowing is covering California. May your perfect will be accomplished.❤️

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America: The Nation’s Course Corrections of Trump & Musk
January 25, 2025 Veronika West
The Holy Spirit led me to revisit a couple of Prophetic Words yesterday.
They Speak to Elon Musk and a number of other things that are now taking place.
This first Word came when Elon Musk took over Twitter!
What I find interesting in this hour regarding these particular Words is that God is Speaking to multiple things all at the same time!
A Warning Regarding Elon Musk — The War over the Airwaves — The Narrow Place and Let My People Go — Both these Words speak directly and prophetically to what we see unfolding today!
Please see both Prophetic Links
“Twitter vs Truth Social —
A Battle for the Airwaves Rages On“

Twitter vs Truth Social — A Battle for the Airwaves Rages On
April 27, 2022 Veronika West
“Twitter vs Truth Social — A Battle for the Airwaves rages on.  Be watchful, sober and vigilant — Nations have now entered The Narrow Place — Nations moving through The Eye of a Needle!”
From what The LORD showed me recently as I was shown into this “Narrow Place,”  I saw a Battle raging over “Airspace” — like The Eye of a Needle.
In fact, it looked something similar to what one would see unfold in air combat in the natural, but I saw how the voice of the enemy seeks continuously to rule the airwaves.
Satan, we know, is the prince of the air, but we know that “we have been given authority over the airwaves.”  Hence, Satan’s tactic remains to muzzle and silence and distort the sound of The Righteous Remnant from being released into the Atmosphere.
Because he knows the creative power of the tongue, there is a Battle for dominance over the Airwaves — truth over lies — words carry power — creative power, to bring life or death.
If Satan can dominate the Airwaves, and bring many into the power of agreement, then he knows that he can build and establish his kingdom of darkness in the earth.
Many call it a Battle for freedom of speech, but really it’s a battle of life over death, and the establishment of a kingdom of darkness or The Kingdom of Light, in the earthly realm.
Decree a Thing and It Shall Be Established
Trump is God’s chosen Trumpet!
This is why he has been so violently attacked and relentlessly targeted by the enemy, because of the sound he carries.
Trump is a voice for Truth, Righteousness, Unity, Mercy and Peace.
Unfortunately, many are so blinded by the spirit of religion, that they have missed the voice of God completely.
Because of their own bias, they have failed to recognise the hour of Supernatural Visitation, and have driven God out.
A Counterfeit or The Real Deal?
God has shown me in recent days, Elon Musk, and what I can say now, is that there needs to be keen discernment when it comes to the recent take over of Twitter.
I saw a trap and a snare being formulated, like a juicy piece of meat set in a trap that lures its prey
Satan has regrouped and is looking to bring a counterfeit!  Let us be wary!
This might sound very graphic, but as I was praying concerning this counterfeit, the Spirit quickened this: How Eskimo kill a Wolf…
An Eskimo coats his knife blade with animal blood and allows it to freeze.  He then adds layer after layer of blood, until the blade is completely concealed by the frozen blood.
Next, the hunter fixes his knife in the ground with the blade up.  When a wolf follows his sensitive nose to the source of the scent and discovers the bait, he licks it, tasting the fresh frozen blood.
He begins to lick faster, more and more vigorously, lapping the blade until the keen edge is bare.  Feverishly now, harder and harder, the wolf licks the blade in the cold Arctic night.
His craving for blood becomes so great, that the wolf does not notice the razor-sharp sting of the naked blade on his own tongue.
Nor does he recognize the instant when his insatiable thirst is being satisfied by his own warm blood.  His carnivorous appetite continues to crave more until in the morning light, the wolf is found dead in the snow!
See the Word given on December 4, 2021: ““Let My People Go!” A Spiritual Showdown!“
” The LORD then led to me the book of Exodus and took me to the portion where Aaron’s rod turned into a snake and swallowed up the other rods that had turned into snakes; the ones which belonged to the magicians and sorcerers of Pharaoh (see Exodus 7:8-12).
Consider also the budding of Aaron’s rod: Hebrews 9:4 tells us that Aaron’s rod remained in the Ark of the Covenant as a testimony of God’s choice of Aaron and Moses to lead His people.  Aaron’s rod was also a reminder that God does not put up with rebellion against Himself or His chosen representatives on Earth (see 1 Corinthians 10:10).
Then I heard The LORD say this concerning 2022: “Listen for a cry of ‘Let My people go’ [that] will reverberate across the nations of the earth.  For a great spiritual showdown has begun between the power and authority of the key of David vs. the power and authority of the counterfeit spirits of Leviathan.  See!  For it will be a showdown between Satan’s smoke and mirrors vs. beholding the power of God’s glory made manifest in the nations of the earth.  For ruling counterfeit spirits of light will seek to mimic and masquerade as the real and the genuine in the midst of the undiscerning and those [who] have chosen religion over intimate relationship.
“Therefore, beloved, listen and take heed and fear not and think it not strange. For My ways are not your ways, and My thoughts are not your thoughts. For I will harden their hearts [so] that I may display the powers of My glory in the nations of the earth. Watch and pray! For have I not said, ‘Be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves’? Watch! For now is the time when My governmental hand of justice and judgment will move to strike down the counterfeit powers of the serpent spirit of Leviathan that rages over the birthrights and destinies of the nations of the earth.
“Watch, for I say to you: the authority of the key of 22:22 shall be in your mouth, and you shall bind and loose, and He shall open and none shall shut; and He shall shut and none shall open. For the powers of the serpent spirit of Leviathan shall be swallowed up by the jaws of My truth, My righteousness, My justice and My victory!”
As I heard the Spirit speak these things to me, He then quickened to me the book of Isaiah, the 11th chapter. As I went to read the 11th chapter, which speaks of the seven-fold Spirits of God, I heard these words: “Watch, for My 11th hour kings and high priests are rising in this hour. For a divine convergence of the power of My seven Spirits is now taking place. For I shall pour out a double portion of My anointing upon the heads of My servant kings and high priests in this new era.”
Then The LORD quickened to me the 22nd chapter of Isaiah (Isaiah 22:22) which says, “I will give him the key to the house of David—the highest position in the royal court. When he opens doors, no one will be able to close them; when he closes doors, no one will be able to open them.“
Then He led me to Matthew 16:19: “I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven. Whatever you bind on Earth will be bound in Heaven, and whatever you loose on Earth will be loosed in Heaven.”
Then the Spirit of Revelation took me back to Isaiah 22:22 and I heard these words: “For 2022 shall be a year of the key of David being laid upon the shoulders of My righteous remnant, and they shall rule and reign in the kingly anointing of David that shall break and shatter to pieces the heavy yoke of oppression and deception over the nations of the earth.”
The LORD showed me a powerful, prophetic parallel between the word for 2022 (the spiritual showdown between the power and authority of the key of David vs. the power and authority of the counterfeit spirits of Leviathan) and the vision of the fatted calf being prepared for sheep nations that will return in repentance.
I saw that as prodigal nations returned to the altar, they received the kingly robe, the key of David and a gold signet ring.  This all symbolizes the governmental authority of the key of David.  Sheep nations will begin to rule and reign in great power and victory over the antichrist spirit that will arise to govern over goat nations! We will see that the powers of the serpent spirit of Leviathan will be swallowed up by the jaws of truth, righteousness, justice and victory. ”
Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West

America: A Face-off and the Battle of Ai
January 25, 2025 Veronika West

A Now Word!
“A Face-off and the Battle of Ai — A New Tower of Babel Will Rise, as God’s Remnant Shines!”
Fellow Watchmen!  I share the following Prophetic Word with the intent to raise a Clarion Call to Consistent, Fervent and Serious Prayer.
There are many pitfalls along the way, and it is crucial for The Watchmen to remain vigilant, standing on the wall and sounding the trumpet to warn, awaken, and call for action.

I submit, President Donald J. Trump will need even greater prayer cover and unwavering spiritual support during this second term than he did in his first!
I heard The Spirit say,  “The Prayers of My Remnant in this moment will determine whether America emerges as a goat or sheep nation.
For I tell you, the Dragon is circling as The Nation navigates through this narrow place!”
I hear these Words,  ”A face-off and The Battle of Ai — a new Tower of Babel will rise — as God’s Remnant shines!”
Then I heard The Spirit say,  ”Yes!  A face-off will unfold — Trump vs Musk —  and many will say this is a battle of reality vs fiction — and truth vs counterfeit!
Listen!  And many more will say, Trump must cut ties or count losses!
But I say — Watch and Pray! — as My Hand moves in mysterious ways — for the that which Satan desires by driving a wedge, will surely become as a sharpened tent peg driven into Leviathan’s head!
I say, Look up!  It’s time to see beyond the fallen walls and great victory at Jericho that has given a Nation a firm foothold.
Remnant — get ready!  For the Battle of Ai will now unfold, as a new Tower of Babel rises in the midst of Prodigal Nations standing on the threshold.
I say again — Watch and pray! — for I shall expose the sin of Achan in all that is being shaken, and those who resist and stand against My Right Hand, shall be utterly ruined and never recover!”
Reference Scriptures
The Battle of Ai — see Joshua 8. & Wiki.
The Tower of Babel — see Genesis 11:1-9 & Wiki.
The Sin of Achan — see Joshua 7:10-26 & Joshua 7 entire
Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West

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