My Tenets of Teaching, (Tenets of Thinking)

9 days ago

Juxtaposition1 Channel Tenets of Teaching:

The study of Synthetic Biological Human Augmentation is something new and unfamiliar to our viewers. Unlike any schooling they have been through before. We use the presumptive Socratic method here. Questioning and answering. Probing your minds.

It is through our questions that they learn to teach themselves. There is always another question which follows the previous one. Through this method of questioning and answering we seek to develop in them the ability to analyze that vast complex array of facts that constitute the relationships of members within a given society. Our questions spin the tumblers of your minds.

You will never find the correct absolute and final answer. In our classroom there will always be another question. We do brain surgery here. We train your minds. The viewers come into our classroom with skulls filled with mush, however, they leave thinking like Psinergist forensic auditor.

Meaningful education is not free, nor should it be. Free lectures often result in collective stupidity. Important thinking skills demand a commitment.

This is both our policy and our attitude. This approach best leads to discernment and critical thinking cognition.

The Three Tenets of Thinking:
1) Recognition
2) Interpretation
3) Expectation

Clarity versus clutter, confusion & chaos.

This is the premier channel and is considered an "Antidote for Poppycock",
so please subscribe to my Substack Channel:

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