The Legend of Atlantis: The Secret Prophecies of the Apocalypse 🔥

1 month ago

Hello Everyone, this is a fantastic video series from 1996 titled "Legend of Atlantis" Which is a five part series I will be posting here to share this information for the benefit and upliftment of Consciousness for all souls in all realms. Thank you, I hope you enjoy it! Take care! -Lacey :) ❤️

"The Secret Prophecies of the Apocalypse
Atlantean secret knowledge tells us the legend of mankind and those souls, who have to undergo cycles. With the fall of Atlantis a high civilization cycle had ended. All prophecies and more recent Earth changes point out that today's mankind has reached the end of the next experience cycle.
Up to the year 2011 the most serious Earth and climate changes, earthquakes, social and political changes have been predicted.
This thrilling documentation shows the prophecies of ELIA, the returned prophet and his message on the last days, Christ's return and the space Brotherhood."

PART ONE: "The Legend of Atlantis: Dawn of the Gods☀️"

(Part Two is taking a long time to process on YouTube...)

#atlantis #god #consciousness #yugas #satyayuga #goldenage #truth #initiation #esoteric #knowledge #extradimensionalbeings #extraterrestial #aliens #reincarnation #ascension #ascendedmasters #illumination #dimensionalbeings #dimensions #astralbody #astral #spiritrealm #spirit #aether #atlantean #starseed #wisdom #secrets #knowledgeispower #shamballa #agartha #innerearth #ancientteachings #ancientwisdom #ancientcivilizations #hermes #pythagorean #brotherhood #logos #divinecreator #chi #vedas #prana #energy #frequency #vibration #mahabharata #sun #moon #polarity #duality #dragon #yellowdragon #reddragon #east #west #darkandlight #guardians #avatar #christ

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