2025 New Year message from Tiandao

2 months ago

Hello! I am Tiandao, from the Himalaya Japan Galaxy Farm. On this Chinese New Year, I wish Miles Guo, his family, and all the global comrades a Happy New Year and happiness to your families!

Over the past two years, with Miles Guo not at home, the Whistleblower Movement has gone through very difficult moments. Fortunately, we have persevered. We have not been knocked down, and we are still fighting.

The year 2024, which is about to become history, we have experienced betrayal and the parting of ways with some comrades. Personally, I have gone through constant self-doubt and deep reflection. From being an unknown volunteer comrade, I awakened to a fighting consciousness and grew into a warrior of the New Federal State of China. I believe everything that has happened is God's will, a process of experience and awakening, step by step. I often remember the original reason I joined the Whistleblower Movement. At that time, I believed that the Chinese Communist Party was too evil, bringing fear, pain, death, and despair to too many people. Therefore, the Communist Party must be eliminated.

In the future, no matter what happens or what challenges we face, I will not forget my original intention. I will always remember our mission. Our generation must end the dictatorship and tyranny of the CCP.

For my 2025 New Year message, I hope that Miles Guo and Yanping can return home soon, back to the battlefield that belongs to them, and reunite with their comrades.

Comrades, in 2025, the year to take down the CCP, let us continue to fight side by side, eliminate the Chinese Communist Party, release the Chinese people from the iron chains of the International Communist Organization, and bring the Statue of Liberty back to China!

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