2025 ACRP Reorganization Meeting - Completely Steamrolled,Breaking All the Rules

12 days ago

Even if you don't understand all the parliamentary games and downright disregard for decorum, this is the Alameda County Republican Party leadership 'culling' their opposition to retain power into the new year. Personally, I was the high voter getter in AD 24 w/ nearly 3,000 votes in the March 5, 2024 election. After that election, the bylaws were changed in Oct and Nov specifically targeting myself and others who were not aligned w/ the current leadership. The modified bylaws were then 'retroactively' applied to the members elected in the March election. In all cases were found guilty without benefit of a trial. Rank and file Republicans would expect our party to respect the Constitutional ban on 'ex post facto' and 'bill of attainder' practices.

**** Unedited & Uncut ****

(BTW, I was innocent but was never given a chance to prove it.)

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