Lido is now the only swimming facility in Pboro City Centre!

19 days ago

🫤 In 2018, PCC announced "plans to construct a six to eight lane 25m pool which will be based in a new two storey leisure building near the existing #Werrington Leisure Centre ..."
🤷🏽‍♀️ What happened to these plans and the associated millions of £'s❓

#AskTheCabinet #PeterboroughCC #Peterborough #PboroShittyCouncil #CllrDennisJones #CllrAlisonJones #Pottyborough #Bankruptcy #PCCfinancialCrisis #LabourLotAtTheTownHall #LabourParty #CabinetMemberForHousingAndCommunities #CouncilLeader

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