English Subbed VIDEO 8 | age-of-prosperity

1 month ago

A "Deep Dive" discussion with newly discovered proofs on the coming Age of Prosperity with Nick Ragone and Emily of QSI

White Spiritual Boy Trust
SICC Light Great Russia (Sovereign International Treasury Monetary One)

Duns and Bradstreet numbers for the United States corporation:

Presentation docs:


Quantum Stellar Initiative (QSI) is a non-profit organization with two primary objectives:

-Teaching the masses how to get started in the Stellar blockchain ecosystem
-Building a global Stellar evangelist army to transform and ilLUMENate the world

Part of our mission is to support the cosmic infrastructure for humanitarian projects, education, job creation, and sustainability. Thus, we seek to illustrate why and how our individual lifestyle and sovereign actions translates into being responsible for ourselves and our families, as well as eventually interconnected with our communities and our ecosystem

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Official QSI Assets on Stellar ✅ QSI.xmint.io

Legitimate Stellar Developers for the QFS:
StellarRussia: https://t.me/stellarrussia
Lumendex: https://t.me/lumendexchannel
MrPotato’s House: https://t.me/stellarmrpotatohouse
Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS): https://t.me/masofficialchannel
QAZEmpire23: https://t.me/QAZEmpire23
Synergy Foundation: https://t.me/synergyfoundation
Stellar Moon Bunny: https://t.me/StellarMoonBunnyWarren
Tokens Foundation: https://t.me/TokensFound
Vanguard Foundation (Sopnendu Mohanty/MAS): https://t.me/vanguardfoundations
White Hats Home: https://t.me/thewhitehatshome
Project Overledger: https://t.me/projectoverledger

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