How The Christian Fundamentalist And Apologist Debates The Atheist. Who Uses Facts And Who Doesn't?

10 days ago

THE SECOND FALL. The irreverent and offbeat apocalypse of Yeshua's return.

Have you ever seen an Atheist vs Christian debate? The Atheist will use facts and the Christian will use a variety of methods to create truths. As shown in their most five common tactics in this video.

If you would like to read a novel about what I think the Apocalypse would be like if Christ ever returned (a tale the fundamentalist will despise) click the link below. And may God bless you---just not the God that floods an entire world.
THE SECOND FALL. By Charles Hurst

SOURCES (Besides your common sense)
Lee Strobel's The Case For Christ 2nd Edition
Your friendly Bible at any motel nightstand

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