Mitch McConnell - RINO

9 days ago

Lisa Murkowski, Susan Collins, and Mitch McConnell don't represent the people in their states.

They're narcissist sellouts who represent their donors and lobbyists first.

They're the worst kind of scum in the swamp.

These old demons will burn down the country before they'll retire.



Toxic RINO McConnell Blasts Pete
Hegseth, Reveals Why He Voted "No" on
McConnell said he voted "no" because
Hegseth failed to demonstrate whether he
can manage an annual budget of nearly $3
trillion and 3 million military personnel.
McConnell on opposing Hegseth: Mere
desire to be a 'change agent' is not enough
to fill these shoes. And 'dust on boots'
fails even to distinguish this nominee from
multiple predecessors of the last decade.
Nor is it a precondition for success.
Secretaries with distinguished combat
experience and time in the trenches have
failed at the job.

In case you don't hate this pathetic war pig enough.


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