BGMCTV P068 Parash 15 Bo Sh’mot/Exodus 10:1-13:16

1 month ago

BGMCTV Parash 15 Bo (Go) Sh’mot/Exodus 10:1-13:16

Synopsis –

The finals plagues of the Lord onto Pharaohs house and all of Egypt. The Lord shows His power and might over the smaller gods of the Egyptians. Adonai shows that He is the giver of life and the taker of life. The Lord fulfills His promise to redeem His people from bondage.

Theme & Message –

Foreshadow of the Messiah Yeshua. All the procedures at Pesach/Passover would be done to the lamb of God. Put the blood on your door in three places. Messiah would be pierced in three places. Your house gets covered in the blood of the lamb. Take Messiah Yeshua in your heart and you your body gets covered in the blood of the lamb. Make a covenant with God and death passes you over. Make a covenant with Yeshua and death passes you over.

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